Upgrade your old, outdated or low efficiency burner, with a new Limpsfield High Efficiency, low O2 burners 

Greatly reducing your Natural Gas (NG) consumption.

  • A typical burner runs at 4-6% O2 with 50 PPM+ CO.
  • Limpsfield guarantees their burners to run at 3% O2  throughout the firing range, without producing  CO.
  • Limpsfield burners typically run at 2.5-2.7% O2, or less than 15% excess air.
  • A Limpsfield burner installation can reduce gas consumption by 10%, with a ROI typically less than 5 yrs.
  • Limpsfield burners can be fit on any boiler, e.g., Cleaver Books, Kewanee, Bryan, Superior, Hurst and all water tube boilers.

Please follow the following link to Limpsfield burners for more information including case studies and product information.


Please see attached brochure.

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