Autoflame Combustion Management Systems

Increase the operation efficiency of your existing burner while giving you complete end user control of your boiler.

  • Autoflame combustion management systems optimize your current boiler/burner configuration through parallel positioning control and combustion monitoring, to assure optimum combustion throughout the firing range, resulting in lower combustion O2 levels and reduced fuel consumption.
  • The Autoflame MK8 Controller incorporates an internal flame safeguard with parallel positioning control
  • Options include: Water level control (modulating feedwater valve or VFD pump control), 15 user definable first-out inputs, VFD control for combustion & draft/FGR fans, Pressure sensors: gas pressure, combustion air pressure, fuel oil pressure, Economizer inlet and outlet water temperature sensors, draft control  
  • The Autoflame MK8 EGA monitors & transfers stack emission information to the MM for 3 parameter combustion trim. Emission readings including O2, CO2, CO and NO. It also includes stack tempature, ambient temperature and combustion efficiency display. 

Please follow the following link to Autoflame for more information including case studies and product information.

Please see attached brochure

Mk8Controller-24-03-2017.pdf Mk8Controller-24-03-2017.pdf
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